Junior was too stupid to live. It went from funny to pathetic. But thick Gina though.....

Show is criminally underrated. I think it might be because it's not really a 'black' sitcom. Same reason Family Matters gets so much hate nowadays.
Top 10?
Top 5?
All these shows come in ahead of My Wife and Kids:
Good Times
Sanford & Son
The Jeffersons
What's Happening
The Cosby Show
A Different World
The Bernie Mac Show
Living Single
Everybody Hates Chris
The Steve Harvey Show
Family Matters
Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Diffrent Strokes
Just Top 10? I'd say it's definitely Top 5.
Well I was born in 1988, so I haven't watched many sitcoms from before the 90's, especially black sitcoms before the 90's. I've never even sat down and watched a whole episode of "The Cosby Show" or it's spinoff "A Different World" in syndication even though both shows ran into the early 90's. So my opinion is skewed.
I definitely have "Martin" & "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" in my top 5 black shows of all-time. I gotta put "My Wife and Kids" in my top 5 black sitcoms.
How can you have an "all-time" list when you have no frame of reference for anything that aired before the 1990s?
shyt, there arent any excuses even without the internetthis
and I was born in Sept '88, am from the UK and have watched all the shows mentioned in this thread
there aren't any excuses when you have the internet at your disposal
Well I was born in 1988, so I haven't watched many sitcoms from before the 90's, especially black sitcoms before the 90's. I've never even sat down and watched a whole episode of "The Cosby Show" or it's spinoff "A Different World" in syndication even though both shows ran into the early 90's. So my opinion is skewed.
I definitely have "Martin" & "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" in my top 5 black shows of all-time. I gotta put "My Wife and Kids" in my top 5 black sitcoms.
shyt, there arent any excuses even without the internet
my little brother was born in 1987 and we used to watch all of these shows together, BEFORE the internet.
My Wife and Kids doesnt even make my top 20 black sitcoms, and after the 2nd season it got stupid fast.
A criminally underrated and forgotten black sitcom, Roc. I used to love watching Roc.
Top 10?
Top 5?
All these shows come in ahead of My Wife and Kids:
Good Times
Sanford & Son
The Jeffersons
What's Happening
The Cosby Show
A Different World
The Bernie Mac Show
Living Single
Everybody Hates Chris
The Steve Harvey Show
Family Matters
Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Diffrent Strokes