eienaar van mans
You are about to get a lesson in economics. If you can not compete without hiring illegal aliens then you are about to be out of business. White business owners that want a bigger slice of the pie will have no problem snitching on other their competitors that use illegal labor. That used to happen all the time and companies used to get raided all the time. The companies that could not compete will go out of business. That is true capitalism.
Secondly, the wages for broke ass white dudes will be driven up because this country is about to run off the illegal workers that are driving the wages down. Employers will have no choice but to pay the going rate of legal workers, rather than the lower amount that they had previously been paying to illegal aliens. The IRS will get involved in the process, because they are going to impose taxes on employers that have not been doing withholding taxes and income taxes on illegal workers.
I think that you think that they can not do this shyt. You are wrong. They already have the capability of checking on the people that employers hire; that is why they made the requirement that they check social security numbers before hiring workers. And if you think that employers can just pay workers under the table and no one will know, then you are about to be in for a big damn surprise; because the IRS, INS and DOL have have whole agencies and investigators dedicated to finding under the table payers and workers. The IRS has even figured out a way to tax waiters and waitresses tips; so you know that they have investigators that can find Jose and Pedro on a damn roof. And let me say this; the first time that the IRS locks up an employer for tax evasion due to the hiring of illegal aliens is the going to be the day that employers are going to shyt in their pants and stop breaking the laws.
:yeahok: okay up this thread when they start the mass deportation of illegals...