I recorded a MLM phonecall I was in a couple years back, I'm gone edit out the names and upload it in the next few days
So, I met a breh working on a TV production. We worked together for a couple days and he seemed like a cool breh. Bout a week later he hit me up talking bout a business opportunity. I was skeptical, as I am about most things, but I was certain he was probably talking about another production to hop on. It turned out to be MLM, I think it was World Ventures.
He sent me a link to a website to watch some video and then 5 mins later him and the guy above him in the pyramid called me. The other guy (his mentor) is who i'm talkin to first
As you heard it was all about the “Carrot” at the end of the stick, the vacations, not even the work or product to sale. I still don’t know what they sold lol
But let this show y’all in any “high-pressure” sales pitch, just tell them you need time to think it over. Don’t commit. I’m smarter than i was 3 yrs ago, so now I don’t even BS with folks, I straight up say I’m not interested and walk away or hang up.
Legal Disclaimer: This convo was recorded in a one party consent state, so this is a legal recording

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