Let me preface my statement by saying that overall I enjoy watching Melo's game. However... he's roughly the same size as Lebron and is averaging less than 7 rebounds for his career... under 5 assists... not exactly a defensive stopper... and for someone frequently lauded as an "offensive wizard" has slightly above average percentages. He's a volume scorer who has never adjusted his game to improve efficiency. And before I get negged... remember this is a guy who believes he is any teams No. 1 option and has been called a superstar. At this point I think we can all name 10+ players we would spend our cash on over a Carmelo Anthony. The one scoring title he got was in a season where he missed 14 games and scored less total points than KD. His most recent accolade was a 61pt stat pad session against the Bobcats bench... and he had a smile on his face while doing it. Melo comes off as the kind of guy who loves his moral victories.
A lot of players are "roughly" the same size as Lebron but not nearly as physically gifted, talented, or have the same level of coordination.
Melo has never been the primary playmaker on any team he's played on. I can only speak to his Knick tenure, but with the teammates he's had while here, I think even CP3 would struggle to average over 10 assists. He'd prob be getting 8-9.5 assists.
I don't think Melo has ever been lauded as a defensive stopper.
So I guess in your eyes, adding to his game means becoming Lebron.

I thought you meant adding a facet of his game that isn't there. Like he lacked something. Melo for most of his career was above average at rebounding from the 3 position. As a 4 in the later stages of his career, yeah banged up with most of his athleticism gone, he's lacking.
I do agree tho that he's a stat padder with his priorities in the wrong place.
Or does he? Now that I think about it....his priorities are only wrong to us as fans. Yeah we want players to be in the gym working on their skills when they don't have a game. We want them eating right and getting rest when they're not in the gym practicing. We want them to put OUR favorite team above all else. How dare some young millionaires go to Miami on NYE and they have a playoff game a week from then?? A WEEK.
How dare you complain about having to switch your kids schools because you got traded??
You grew up on mayonnaise sandwiches and scrambled eggs for dinner....how dare you seek a MAX contract??
At this point Melo has prob resigned himself to the fact that he won't win a chip in his lifetime. So he's getting bread and trying to keep getting all star appearances. In his mind (and mine) that's not a bad story for the grand kids "Sheeit, Pop-Pop used to give the business back in the day. 13 time all-star, 20,000+ points scored :alonzoknick:, we rich af". shyt I'll take it. And so would most of you. It's easy for us to forget these are regular dudes. It's easy for us to say what we'd do in their shoes when we will never walk in em.