Now they are trying to ban Marino's ices and the ice cream man from the playgrounds in Prospect Park.
I dont know man but im seriously considering printing up some of these anti-yup/hipster tees and selling them to natives.
These people cant be serious...they are the worst
This part had me

I guarantee you, if some pasty, emaciated lumberjackish beardo walked through the playground with a cart that said “Colby’s Organic Seaweed Smoothies” on the side or “Holly’s Frozen Breastmilk Parfaits” these Park Slope parents would be doing cartwheels with cash in hand.
The icy rebuke of the time-honored tradition erupted on the Park Slope Parents online group when one mother described her son’s meltdown in Prospect Park after she put the ixnay on a acksnay.
“Along with the first truly beautiful day of the year, my son and I had our first ruined day at the playground,” the poster named Sarah somberly recounted. “Two different people came into the actual playground with ice cream/Italian ice push carts. I was able to avoid it for a little while but eventually I left with a crying 4-year-old.”
Another angry mother, identified on the site as Dorothy Scanlan, chimed in.
“I should not have to fight with my children every warm day on the playground just so someone can make a living!” the poster wailed. “I too was at the 9th Street Playground on Monday, and one of the vendors just handed my 4-year-old an ice cream cone. I was furious.”
Are these yuppies serious? You cant control your child or teach them to say no so youre basically growing them up to be entitled? These are really the tyype of people coming into brooklyn?