My dad just up and left me to fend for myself.


May 1, 2012
Because I'm not ready to get to know you yet... dad :mjcry:

I was just playing breh, I'll rep later :lolbron:

Forreal though, that distinction between the two sounds interesting :ehh:Speak on it :feedme:
Sometimes people have a desire to do things they enjoy but lack the passion required to become masters. This is usually because their motivations or temperament conflict with whats required to be passionate.

A man may have enough interest to work hard enough to get a good job in his field but may never become a master in his field because he was only trying to get paid to fukk women. The passion was p*ssy not the trade...

This person may encounter one obstacle and stop persuing their desire because the stress is to much to handle. Then he lives with the regret of not reaching his full potential

Take me. I have a desire to write. I love writing. I have epic stories summarized in my mind. Sadly, Many of these stories will never come out of my mind because I enjoy using my writing talent to talk shyt and share my opinions on the internet. I have a strong desire to write but lack the passion to reach my true potential.

Desire points you in the direction of your choice. Passion gives you the fuel to fulfill your goals no matter the obstacle.

A little corny but that's how I see it, young man.