Mr Uncle Leroy
All Star
I got a new hoopdy on deck and imma save up so i can cop those cheap ass hoopties int he future, I REFUSE to get a car note to keep a job. a job that I dont really want to be at forever anyways.
I'm sorry, but I rather get out the professional world for a year and grind on some mhard labor and get out of debt. Lol.
My network is crazy, so I know I'd be able to get back into the print journalism industry if I wanted
I'm just scared I would never be able to get a white collar job again
but, car loan debt can drive a nicca crazy...dont even ask me how
what would YOU do my brothers?
try the following:
+ walking distance from work
+ car pool with coworkers
+ car pool with other commuters close to work
+ work remotely
+ or similar car services...