just your usual nerdy brotha
That's a big reach. Let's be real here.His skin color and hair, I guess? Even asians have some black ethnics and ancestry within them.
That's a big reach. Let's be real here.His skin color and hair, I guess? Even asians have some black ethnics and ancestry within them.
That's a big reach. Let's be real here.
"there is no genetic evidence to indicate a Sub-Saharan African Negroid origin for the Negritos or a genetic relation."Look up the Aeta people if you think I'm reaching.
"there is no genetic evidence to indicate a Sub-Saharan African Negroid origin for the Negritos or a genetic relation."
The word "Negrito" is the Spanish diminutive of negro, i.e. "little black person", referring to their small stature, and was coined by early European explorers
A study on blood groups and proteins in the 1950s suggested that the Andamanese were more closely related to Oceanic peoples than Africans. Genetic studies on Philippine Negritos, based on polymorphic blood enzymes and antigens, showed they were similar to surrounding Asian populations.[8] Genetic testing places all the Onge and all but two of the Great Andamanese in the mtDNA Haplogroup M found in East Africa, East Asia, and South Asia, suggesting that the Negritos are at least partly descended from a migration originating in eastern Africa 60,000 years ago. This migration is hypothesized to have followed a coastal route through India and into Southeast Asia, which is sometimes referred to as the Great Coastal Migration.
Analysis of mtDNA coding sites indicated that these Andamanese fall into a subgroup of M not previously identified in human populations in Africa and Asia. These findings suggest an early split from the population of migrants from Africa; the descendants of these migrants would eventually populate the entire habitable world.[8] Haplogroup C-M130, Haplogroup O-2 seen in dark-skinned Negritos like the Semang of Malaysia and Phillipeans Negritos, and haplogroup D-M174 are believed to represent Y-DNA in the migration.[12]
So basically the we are all from Africa excuse.I knew I worded the thread title wrong, but I can't seem to edit it. I should have said black.
Afro beat a robot with lasers,
Mugen used the energy blade once...
Tosen -Bankai Special Ability: The dome creates a vacuum that nullifies the senses of spiritual energy, sight, sound, and scent...Yeah I think he won by a huge margin.
Afro wins. He's in a completely different league and has tons of superhuman feats ( E.g. more strength, speed and has destroyed robots.) He stomps Mugen effortlessly.
In this clip he was able to react to a RPG while he was wounded. I don't recall Mugen having any feats that would put him on par with his reaction speed.
he got stabbed deep in the stomach and blown up