their viewers dont like feeling dumb. they think of themselves as the most informed voters in america. MSNBC baited them with appeals to ego and then fed them a steady stream of propaganda. first they made people believe trump was going to prison. then they made their viewers believe people were happy with biden's leadership, then they made people believe biden wasnt demented, then they made people believe kamala had the momentum.
they also made their viewers believe trump will end democracy. that remains to be seen, but we see already that biden greeted trump at the white house and generally behaves like a man who is not the last democratically elected president. joe and mika immediately went out to trump's house to glaze him down, so they are kinda revealing that they dont really believe the shyt they harped on all these years either.
im not sure what MSNBC can do about it. i know maddow took a $5M paycut. the lead talent taking paycuts might delay the inevitable for a little while...