yes, the way the bill is set up Delta State, MUW and Valley are under threat. Alcorn provides Ag research, and Medical services to the state along with some Engineering purposes. It also falls under the special consideration mentioned in the bill because of our precedent in our founding being the 1st HBCU land grant in the nation. It has too much historical significance on that campus. Also, Alcorn and Jackson State add too much economic value to the state to try to close them. Alcorn has revitalized the city of Vicksburg with our gameday attractions, JSU does the same for the city of Jackson. I just don't see it happening for those 2 schools.

this is Mississippi, so you should always do your due diligence, we've contacted state reps already and they have assured us that the Bill does not target our institutions but I am concerned with Valley. They are in trouble and have been for quite some time. The Delta area where MS Valley and Delta State are is very hard to get to, does not have interstate access and no viable cities to push commerce and attractions.
Saying all that I am still going to push to dead this bill on site because you cannot trust MS's state legislature, especially since this bill has arrived after the federal government stated that they owe Alcorn State money. We know they do not want to pay this to an HBCU. Historically, they have simply tried to mess with Alcorn, JSU and Valley too many times and you just can't trust.