Head In The Cloudz
Hella movies I haven't seem...most of them popular blockbusters
Never cared to see:
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Harry Potter trilogy
Indiana Jones trilogy
Star Wars (saw bits and pieces of the first trilogy, but doesn't interest me like that)
A lot of the Pixar and Disney movies that came out after Toy Story (the last Disney flick I've watched)
Never got around to seeing:
Godfather 1 and 2
Bourne trilogy
Shawshank Redemption
Se7en (actually rented this on apple store a couple of weeks ago, so I'll be watching it soon)
Movies I just saw in the past couple of years that I slept on:
Fight Club
The Usual Suspects
American Beauty

i've never seen star wars, godfather, or donnie darko
my netflix queue is busting at the seems filled w/ "classics" i've never seen