Head In The Cloudz
Hella movies I haven't seem...most of them popular blockbusters
Never cared to see:
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Harry Potter trilogy
Indiana Jones trilogy
Star Wars (saw bits and pieces of the first trilogy, but doesn't interest me like that)
A lot of the Pixar and Disney movies that came out after Toy Story (the last Disney flick I've watched)
Never got around to seeing:
Godfather 1 and 2
Bourne trilogy
Shawshank Redemption
Se7en (actually rented this on apple store a couple of weeks ago, so I'll be watching it soon)
Movies I just saw in the past couple of years that I slept on:
Fight Club
The Usual Suspects
American Beauty
i don't feel bad now that you've posted...i don't consider myself a movie buff or tv buff at all and normally miss out on everything
i've never seen star wars, godfather, or donnie darko
my netflix queue is busting at the seems filled w/ "classics" i've never seen