titanic and the notebook
The notebook - another

this chick had a two month fling at like age 16, brehs me and you know Exactly that women toss dudes aside and get on with their life and dont even think of them again, who here is with a girl they were with at 16? who? exactly
so we are really supposed to believe a chick who was just dating ryan gosling did not even go beyond the honeymoon period is going to run back to him ten years later when she is engaged to a rich man? yeah right.
anyone notice how her fiance is also portrayed as a bad man? like he was standing in the way of a beautiful love story

, this man wasted years on this chick built up her self esteem, loved her with all her heart, even allowed her to go back to her hometown and see her ex (simp), only to get cheated on and portrayed as the guy who was standing in the way of her following her heart
another honourable man who was faithful, who loved his woman, treated her with respect yet gets played and all these chicks can think about is ":follow your heart", the end justifies the means
women love this scene
"i waited for you for seven years, now its to late"
aka i waited for you now im engaged its to late
5 seconds later cheating on her faithful fiance :smugsabo:, im sure not one female watching that was thinking damn at this slut shes engaged, nah they were crying omg so romantic, not me i was there with the

look at this gawt damn whore cheating on her man
after this she dumps her man and runs to ryan gosling they get married and have kids, then we are supposed to feel sorry when she is reaping what she sowed as she loses her memory nah not me
crash (david cronenberg version)