I don't want to download from torrents due to viruses.
Maybe you should put your focus on virus protection before you start downloading anything from anywhere bruh.
If you had adequate virus protection, you'd never nan nadda worry about this myth people call viruses
Newsgroups >>>>>>>>>>
I stay

off newsgroups
Sent From My Nexus S 4G nikka!
I could appreciate the instant/speed access to shyt you looking for, but your brainwashed buddy. I have everything YOU have. I don't pay for shyt
You paying $120 a year, I pay $0
You download a movie in how long? On average, I'd say about 5min for me on the free lines
Would downloading a movie in a half a minute be cool? Sure, but I'd rather not. As long as the movie plays just like yours once its downloaded 4mins later?
I"m good. Can I get some dap from all my tor....ters!!!