Any 007 Movie....did James Bond ever even talk to any of the main Bond girls again after the credits rolled?
Clint has a habit of "mentoring" attractive young women. Black Widow, Wanda and now Kate. He may be getting it in behind his wife's back.Black Widow and Hawkeye. I know Clint was married and shyt, but we supposed to believe he aint try to claps them cheeks on Vormir or "Budapest".
Nice I have to rewatch this movieThe apartment
As for VW, Arnold said he wanted to have a kissing scene showing they were hooking up but producers (?) nixed it. This was back when they were first starting to have interracial leads and they didn't want to show them getting romantic with each other.
The Craig moviesAny 007 Movie....did James Bond ever even talk to any of the main Bond girls again after the credits rolled?
Mad Max Fury Road