Most are hollow and surface level, insulting or embarrassing, 'Savages' was unbelievably bad. If they adapt 'Power Of The Dog' which is a dope, but overreaching Don Winlosw novel, it could be even worse, without the right script and director. It's essentially the story of the John Gotti takeover from Paul Castellano, and the rise of the cartels in Mexico, during their inception, specifically the Arellano Felix, it also goes into Iran contra shyt in Panama and firtehr south, it's way too ambitious, I liked it when I read it though, 6 years ago.
'The Counselor' is the best depiction besides some bad directorial music choices by Ridley Scott, that I've seen in years. Probably since 'Traffic'. Hollywood demonizes them like they did the Russians in the 80's into cartoonish, snarling villains.