1.Lord of The Rings
2. Harry Potter
3. Hunger Games
4. Any of the Star Trek movies
5. Twilight
6. The Hangover movies
7. Karate Kid except maybe the first or second one, I can't remember which.
8. Halloween
9. Friday the 13th. I've seen bits and pieces of probably the first few movies but I've never seen any of them in full.
10. Nightmare on Elm Street. See above
11. Halloween
12. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Seen the one that came out in the mid 2000s.
13. The Madea movies
14. Monty Pyton
15. Pirates of The Caribbean
16. Jaws. Saw bits and pieces of the earlier films but never seen any of the films from start to finish.
17. Godzilla. Seen bits and pieces of the dubbed Japanese films. Only one I've seen was the 1998 American film.
18. Despicable Me
19. The original Planet of the Apes movies. The only one I watched in full was the one where they traveled to the modern era and became celebrities. I fukks with the modern ones though.
20. Scream