The fate of the ENTIRE universe rests on a single individual and his or her ability to find true love...
Couples spending the night having sex, and when they wake up in the morning, they cover themselves in their bed sheets to go to the washroom...
A falsely accused person goes around killing and destroying entire cities, states and even countries to prove his or her innocence, and when he or she finally does, he or she returns to the greatest love of his or her life to live happily ever after...
Scientists discover the cure for an alien pathogen in a matter of days, and yet in real life we can't cure genital herpes or HIV...Even though we have spent decades and billions of dollars working on solutions...
Main dude declines an obscene amount of money to be with the love of his life, but nobody has ever made a movie about 10 years down the line, when dude realizes her vagina is now stale and if he had taken the money, he would "swimming in women with their own condominiums"...
People never "make love" in the doggystyle position...Always missionary, but now we sometimes get cowgirl...
People having deep philosophical conversations about everything...Most real life conversations are mundane...
People passing on jewels while they are dying...I have seen people die in real life...The body is so busy trying to send blood to vital organs it has no time to worry about the small vocal muscles involved in the mechanism of speech...
The main characters never have arsehole children...The worst the child is a misunderstood angry genius who comes of age at the end of all of it...