That simply a benchmark. Doesn't tell the who story of the random fps drops , game crashes and screen tearing you encounter from using these profiles its just not worth it.
the only recent game that does sli and crossfire justice is battlefield 5
battlefield 5 is recent? its 2 yrs old.
I posted more than a dozen games above using SL.
I dont get some of yall.
ps5 comes out.
"I need 60fps NOW"
"you know you can just use your pc right?, a simple rtx 2060 s can get you well over that"
"needs to be 4k 144hz"
"well I mean, you can get that with a 2080ti and just set your wet and reflection to high or medium instead of ultra, and youll pretty much be 5 frames away, same shyt"
"its expensive"
"ok well you can go SL with another 1080ti and most games youre playing now can get you there, heck on a 1080p, youll be getting 80fps and more with a single"
"but the newer games"
"ok but half the ps5 games wont even get up to 60fps, you said now, im just telling you how to get it"
"ok well the 3000 series are coming out in the end of the summer, youll get your 4K 144hz 60fps, single card then, and the ps5 still wont be able too, so lets go back to the first quote"