Young Bishop
Piff Poster
Triple OG Coward Peter Vincent from Fright Night

i have in the top of my list, he was so weak, i mean hell okay guns are going off, but your boy is in a 1 on 1 knife fight and you too scared to go up and help? Imagine Marcus and Julius seeing a soldier like this, he would be on the cross upside down.
Corby Corby this guy was a disgrace.
No he was not a real coward, a real coward doesn't even fight, Caesar was on the battle field at all times, remember in those days, if you didn't fight, you got beaten to death, neither Crassus or Julius ever begged for mercy or coward in battle, look Julius went undercover solo and lived, he just used discipline when fighting a superior warrior, live and win, now if had nothing to lose like Gannicus i am sure he would gone out swinging also. Just imagine if Spartacus had Alexander the great troops instead of slave warriors and Alexanders smarts, he would killed Crixus before he left with half the troops on a suicide mission to sack Rome. Best believe Julius and Marcus would be on the cross.Biggest coward in Spartacus was nemetes
Caesar was coward though was talking all that ish and had to wait till Gannicus was boxed in to pop up
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