Francis White
i been away to long, my feeling died.
I was looking at the Spartacus thread and people were saying that Julius was a coward for that fight with Gannicus, well looking at it again he was not, he was in the field taking a risk just like Marcus, he was not side line fighting, he got dirty, he just could not beat Gannicus 1 on 1 so instead dying he used discpline to live, matter the whole legion did, they herded the rebels into a tight square and it was over. Now when i think of cowards in battle i think of non other Private Tim Upham from saving private Ryan
This dude hid out and let his own team get murked, only at the end did he do something. This guy is the a real bytchass Paris, guy issues challenge loses, scrawls to brother, then watches as his brother gets murked later o
n Name your real cowards.