Yeah breh, it really doesn’t faze me because I legit do not give af about c00ns, but if you make that shyt known then I’ll check you for keeping your cool and not letting it get you outta character. Prolly saw some black dudes make a "white girl Wednesday" post and tried to attack the first breh they came into contact with. Did they have a certain look or was that part random?
One thing I've learned is the biggest braggarts of these IR connections end up being the biggest losers in the end.
Nah, they legit look like regular bw. Some don’t even tell you for a while. I was fukkin one chick for a while and she actually told me she was gonna stop dating bm until she met me, but also has told me in the past that non bm treated her like shyt.
So I checked her and said how you say that when you just said non bm treated you like shyt?
Left her dumbass looking stupid. She was one of those chicks who kept telling me she was mixed with whatever, I guess she thought her not just being black would be a turn on for me.
The one chick who came out of nowhere that I didn’t even know existed and said she preferred non bm, literally just said that to me.
This was after the group of bw she was with kept complementing me. Guess she didn’t like a bm getting love and wanted to talk shyt to me.
Those bytches are birds.