Bondye Vodou
Proud practitioner of the "High Science"
Cave Beckies mad too
they're all so mad
This is why I don't play video games anymore. The entire culture surrounding it is embarrassing.
Wait, so cacs are mad at him stopping slavery? I bet these the same cacs who wanna tell everyone we need to accept gays and trannies and not to do so is a hate crime
And videos like the one in the OP is how young white Male video games get radicalized into becoming mass shooters and domestic terrorists. Or they become virulent anti-black racists that turn into future Dylan roofs and James Jacksons based on videos like this one.Some of these dudes end up as mass shooters too
Cave Beckies mad too
link?funniest part of that gif is you know homie got the cheeks later that night too
I had to stop reading when someone told a Jew that the nazis shouldn't have to be killed, and he should just prevent Jews from going to Europe in the first place if he was going back in time.
After seeing the backlash from the latest Wolfenstein game, this is no surprise. Every entry in the series has literally been "Shoot Nazis: The Game" since it started damn near 40 years ago. That didn't stop the salt-right from crying about how "the SJWs ruined Wolfenstein", though
From Vice:
General butthurt:
Some of the comments from the launch trailer:
This dude wrote an philosophical dissertation on why is wrong for jaxx to want to help his people
He must be one of them liberals, what about racism against asians our latinos or whites?? why only black people?
they just dont to want to acknowledge that what they did to us cant be compare to the "struggle" other races go through
SJW are the worst