More women are religious...WHY?


Mar 11, 2022

Most women do not have the required level of individualism & depth needed to make such a massive decision.
They'll mostly all just eventually follow whatever their man believes.

However on the other side of the coin, I guess you could say that about men too.
They mostly just follow what the family that raised him believed, but there is probably more attrition with men then girls.
Nice comment. Seeing how women are either being told or forced to think and act like men proves how it can embalance communities. Still, most people are followers because being a leader requires certain characteristics.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
I'll share todays matins reading since a bunch of folks are following this thread

The Gospel According to John 21:14-25
At that time, Jesus revealed himself to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. And he said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Feed my lambs." A second time he said to him, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Tend my sheep." He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, "Do you love me?" And he said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep. Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you girded yourself and walked where you would; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish to go." (This he said to show by what death he was to glorify God.) And after this he said to him, "Follow me." Peter turned and saw following them the disciple whom Jesus loved, who had lain close to his breast at the supper and had said, "Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?" When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, "Lord, what about this man?" Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!" The saying spread abroad among the brethren that this disciple was not to die; yet Jesus did not say to him that he was not to die, but, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?" This is the disciple who is bearing witness to these things, and who has written these things; and we know that his testimony is true. But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.

Simon is a common name, from Hebrew שִׁמְעוֹן Šimʻôn, meaning "listen" or "hearing".[1] It is also a classical Greek name, deriving from an adjective meaning "flat-nosed".[2]: 232 [3] In the first century AD, Simon was the most popular male name for Jews in Roman Judea.[4]
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Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
Did anyone actually post the stats? I believe it but I'm curious. I know I dated a lot of women that were religious but even their own family wasn't even into religion.

Its weird because I usually think females are more practical but this is a blind spot that seems to come up a lot.



Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL

women are more concerned with rituals than men are typically

in Judaism and Islam ritual is explicitly defined for men unlike all Christian denominations

i believe in monasticism personally but i understand why some believe that physically going to built temple/church is desirable


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Its frustrating to see that over 400 gears our people since the Diaspora, have been abused, raped, murdered, maimed, tortured, enslaved....and logically our women..our beautiful black women lack the intellectual fortitude to dismiss these bogus ass myths and stories.

You wanna know how white supremacy is a powerhouse?

We arent being forced to be Christians no more....

The white man defeated our women and elder women to the point that they make all their descendants Christian and the white man aint gotta be there to see it through.

Black women old and young are the reason for why most of the black community are stuck on stupid for Jesus.

Its men fault too....we shouldve put our foot down and made our women not bend the knee to what we cant see while in bondage.

We hate ourselves so much we dont even wanna worship African gods and goddesses.

Even West Africans are christian...when they know damn well they had a history before white folks.

I end this rant to say this...if you wannabelieve in a "god" so much.... choose a Vodou or Afrikaan religion deity to follow....

Lol African god nonsense is what got us enslaved in the first place. The Bible is NOT the white mans book, it’s a book about Negroes. That’s just an excuse our ppl wanna use to be heathens like the white ppl. Why did these African gods allow cacs to colonize the entire earth?

Why is Africa in a choke hold by mongoloids and Europeans? Yall just hate that The Most High has standards and hold people accountable. White ppl worship a fake white image they created aka Jesus. That isn’t the messiah of the true Israelite people (Negroes).
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Lol African god nonsense is what got us enslaved in the first place. The Bible is NOT the white mans book. That’s just an excuse our ppl wanna use to be heathens like the white ppl. Why did these African gods allow cacs to colonize the entire earth?
let him read and learn about it and decide if the bible doesnt seem better?
:jbhmm: why did hideo kojima highlight "kikongo" in MGS5


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
I can't think of a single rule or law in religion that actually helps women.

They are told to wear shyt they don't like
They are basically property to men
They can't hold positions of power in their religions

so what the fukk do women get from it that makes them believe in it more than men?

I just recently learned this and was confused. Women should be the FIRST people to say fukk it and ditch religion.

for fukk's sake, all of humanity's sins, according to the torah and bible, is because a woman ate a god damn apple. they really blamed the ORIGINAL SIN on a woman :skip:
BW are the 2nd least religious women after anglo women. Do not adhere to any of that stuff in the Bible. There are women pastors when the Bible is against it.


Feb 17, 2017
Women need some form of emotional attachment: relationships, pets, religion. Of course, men can WANT that too but it isn’t something we need.
Happy single men are not going to compromise their bliss to be in a mediocre relationship.

Women on the other hand feel as if they HAVE to be with someone. They get out of a relationship and jump right into another one. "I need someone to hold me"

Tagging him on Facebook after only 10 days :mjlol:


Feb 12, 2015
Women have thicker corpus collosum than men do. Corpus collosum is white brain matter responsible for connecting and interfacing between your brain’s two hemispheres. It helps your understand paradox, incorporate understanding of abstract thoughts and connect them with emotions, helps you read situations, social cues…ect.
It also helps you with your intuitive thinking. In fact, theorist think this part of the brain is responsible for women’s intuition. I have a theory about that I’ve share here in the past. On this topic, it can be theorized that women might be more spiritual period because they can better entertain possibilities beyond what humans can empirically ascertain due to the interconnected nature of their brains.

Men are more rigid, compartmentalized and devoted to logic in their thinking which can make it difficult to conceptualize concepts that aren’t within frameworks they are already accustomed. That’s also why (in part) more men than women are autistic. Corpus callosum is also responsible for helping people make sense of social cues and nuances.

But I digress.
Pre-historic ancient spiritual traditions were almost always driven and controlled by women, prior to men hijacking religion, erasing women from it and then using it as a tool of control. Some of the oldest deity iconography is Goddess worship. Several millennia of systematic destruction and extirpating of females from spiritual systems worldwide changed a lot of the religions we see today. Many women still seek out the image of themselves as divine entities in these religions. And a lot of female oriented traditions went underground and survived but as secret mystery religions.


Dec 11, 2015
Women have thicker corpus collosum than men do. Corpus collosum is white brain matter responsible for connecting and interfacing between your brain’s two hemispheres. It helps your understand paradox, incorporate understanding of abstract thoughts and connect them with emotions, helps you read situations, social cues…ect.
It also helps you with your intuitive thinking. In fact, theorist think this part of the brain is responsible for women’s intuition. I have a theory about that I’ve share here in the past. On this topic, it can be theorized that women might be more spiritual period because they can better entertain possibilities beyond what humans can empirically ascertain due to the interconnected nature of their brains.

Men are more rigid, compartmentalized and devoted to logic in their thinking which can make it difficult to conceptualize concepts that aren’t within frameworks they are already accustomed. That’s also why (in part) more men than women are autistic. Corpus callosum is also responsible for helping people make sense of social cues and nuances.

But I digress.
Pre-historic ancient spiritual traditions were almost always driven and controlled by women, prior to men hijacking religion, erasing women from it and then using it as a tool of control. Some of the oldest deity iconography is Goddess worship. Several millennia of systematic destruction and extirpating of females from spiritual systems worldwide changed a lot of the religions we see today. Many women still seek out the image of themselves as divine entities in these religions. And a lot of female oriented traditions went underground and survived but as secret mystery religions.



Jul 24, 2015
More proof that these are white boys posting … who’s black who doesn’t have religious family at least ???????


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Women have thicker corpus collosum than men do. Corpus collosum is white brain matter responsible for connecting and interfacing between your brain’s two hemispheres. It helps your understand paradox, incorporate understanding of abstract thoughts and connect them with emotions, helps you read situations, social cues…ect.
It also helps you with your intuitive thinking. In fact, theorist think this part of the brain is responsible for women’s intuition. I have a theory about that I’ve share here in the past. On this topic, it can be theorized that women might be more spiritual period because they can better entertain possibilities beyond what humans can empirically ascertain due to the interconnected nature of their brains.

Men are more rigid, compartmentalized and devoted to logic in their thinking which can make it difficult to conceptualize concepts that aren’t within frameworks they are already accustomed. That’s also why (in part) more men than women are autistic. Corpus callosum is also responsible for helping people make sense of social cues and nuances.

But I digress.
Pre-historic ancient spiritual traditions were almost always driven and controlled by women, prior to men hijacking religion, erasing women from it and then using it as a tool of control. Some of the oldest deity iconography is Goddess worship. Several millennia of systematic destruction and extirpating of females from spiritual systems worldwide changed a lot of the religions we see today. Many women still seek out the image of themselves as divine entities in these religions. And a lot of female oriented traditions went underground and survived but as secret mystery religions.
Most of what you have written is true. What is not mentioned is that it also leads to a lot of women being easily mislead and bamboozled. Men can also easily think beyond what is compartmentalized and physical, because if we could not many of the technological marvels we enjoy today would not even exists. It takes being able to theorize about the atom, something you can't see with your own eyes, to eventually being able to harness the power of the atom.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Women have thicker corpus collosum than men do. Corpus collosum is white brain matter responsible for connecting and interfacing between your brain’s two hemispheres. It helps your understand paradox, incorporate understanding of abstract thoughts and connect them with emotions, helps you read situations, social cues…ect.
It also helps you with your intuitive thinking. In fact, theorist think this part of the brain is responsible for women’s intuition. I have a theory about that I’ve share here in the past. On this topic, it can be theorized that women might be more spiritual period because they can better entertain possibilities beyond what humans can empirically ascertain due to the interconnected nature of their brains.

Men are more rigid, compartmentalized and devoted to logic in their thinking which can make it difficult to conceptualize concepts that aren’t within frameworks they are already accustomed. That’s also why (in part) more men than women are autistic. Corpus callosum is also responsible for helping people make sense of social cues and nuances.

But I digress.
Pre-historic ancient spiritual traditions were almost always driven and controlled by women, prior to men hijacking religion, erasing women from it and then using it as a tool of control. Some of the oldest deity iconography is Goddess worship. Several millennia of systematic destruction and extirpating of females from spiritual systems worldwide changed a lot of the religions we see today. Many women still seek out the image of themselves as divine entities in these religions. And a lot of female oriented traditions went underground and survived but as secret mystery religions.
to me, they went underground because of the floods.

the title of the kings of egypt gives light to it

nswt +‎ bjtj, literally ‘the belonging one of the sedge, the one of the bee’, or, more simply, ‘he of the sedge and the bee’, the sedge and the bee being emblems of Upper and Lower Egypt, respectively, according to the traditional etymology. Sometimes it is instead read as n(j) +‎ swt +‎ bjt, literally ‘the belonging one of the sedge and of the bee’, thus ultimately expressing the same meaning. In recent times the derivation and reading of nswt has been questioned; if it is not in fact derived from swt (“sedge”), then nswt-bjtj may just be a compound of two words meaning ‘king’. The term is also attested in cuneiform script as 𒅔𒋛𒅁𒅀 (in-si-ib-ia) from a Ramesside-era Hittite letter.[1]

Swt or Shwht also means feminine speech so the name of the king of egypt translates also to "the one possessed by feminine speech"

Pharoah is regarded in many old texts as "the one who devours their ahks" and the rearing cobra is a symbol designed to let the viewer know of his understanding of the serpent which represented one of egypts main deities. As i've studied egypt ive come to the conclusion that they were far more aware than any other kingdom perhaps even aware of all the schemes in Canaan as well.