Don't get me wrong, not everything on Stardom World is must-watch. They upload every single show they run, in full. Good thing is, that usually only amounts to like 1 hour of content per week to watch literally everything they do. The interviews and promos are all subtitled too, which is great. You start to get drawn in by the personality they show. Kairi Hojo is legit hilarious.
Every show will have one or two short opening matches involving rookies, which generally are at best "basic". They're def skippable, though it's cool to watch the progression of the more talented ones. One girl who made her debut in late 2015 is already an upper-tier worker and contender for the top belts. If you've seen their career unfold since their first match, it's highly rewarding seeing them "make it".
Then there will be a few matches involving gaijin who can range from solid workers like Deonna Purazzo, Evie and people like that, to some of the worst wrestlers I've ever seen. I've learned to skip the matches involving random white girls whose names I've never heard before.
When you get to the upper midcard/main event level though, shyt is piff. People like Hiroyo Matsumoto, Kagetsu, Mayu Iwatani, Konami (Asuka trainee, only been wrestling for 2 years), Kairi Hojo are some of the best wrestlers you'll find anywhere. And of course there's Io who has a chance to go down as the greatest female wrestler ever. At 26, she's already in the conversation. That makes everything involving her must-watch to me.