I have to go with timing. Lots of guys have been ready, but WWE (and WCW before it) refused to give them a shine.
Oft times injuries open up "spots" and force promotions to decide that the time is right.
I have little faith that WWE knows what to do with Ziggler or Bryan or Punk. But if promotions decide that the time is right, the wrestler will be pushed. Readiness determines whether the wrestler is capable of managing his allotted camera time.
Promotions decide who to push, not the fans. If I'm forced to pick one or the other, then I have to go with timing.
Oft times injuries open up "spots" and force promotions to decide that the time is right.
I have little faith that WWE knows what to do with Ziggler or Bryan or Punk. But if promotions decide that the time is right, the wrestler will be pushed. Readiness determines whether the wrestler is capable of managing his allotted camera time.
Promotions decide who to push, not the fans. If I'm forced to pick one or the other, then I have to go with timing.