
May 13, 2012
I heard Pac came up with the idea/concept for the movie "Higher Learning" and him and John Singelton were supposed to be co directors

But Pac went to jail and John Singleton decided to make the movie by himself.I guess Pac didn't like how John went about that shyt.It's almost like he lost faith in his boy and was on some "Welp, he's in jail now.His career is over..might as well do it myself" shyt.
I wanna say he and pac mustve squashed it becuz i wanna say in one of gis final interviews he mentioned john singleton and not in a bad way.but i aint sure:patrice:...maybe sumbody else remembers

Seen this quote below on the site linked below it. Not sure how true or not it is, but if this the real reason then they probably did squash it later on
However, whilst Tupac was on the set of ‘Menace II Society’ in it’s early stages, he had a conflict with a producer of the movie. The conflict lead to Tupac alledgedly assaulting the producer, and he lost the role as a result. After hearing about this, John Singleton, decided to drop Tupac for the role in ‘Higher Learning’, fearing the controversy that would surround his choice of giving Tupac such a role


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
It's telling what Pac's reaction was to being signed to Death Row "Yeah it's okay, its cool for now"

In the media he had this fierce loyalty to Death Row and would snap on anyone that would challenge them.. Even when Dre left or Snoop sided with anyone else he was always the most vocal.. But deep inside he had to know Suge was a snake..
i guess 2pac looked at it like suge basically saved his life since he bailed him out? plus in any interviews i've seen from others 2pac never got treated badly like the other rappers on deathrow. him and suge were real friends. in the media suge was acting like he was stern and un-nerved by 2pac being killed, but behind closed doors(via his girlfriend n others), he was furious and very sad. you also gotta think in the phone call he's talking about all eyez on me coming out later in the year. he hadn't really been on deathrow for that long at that point.


Jun 22, 2012
If you ever wondered how AIDS still remains such a lethal disease you don't need to look any further then planet earth to figure it out.

AIDS is so effective because it makes the cells that are supposed to fight off the disease fight each other. Sound familiar?

We are the gods of this planet but yet we don't fight to save it. Pac was fighting to save his people and guess who killed him? His people.

The people that are supposed to be saving this planet are fighting against it and don't even realize it. Everyone is so concerned about making a dollar but so few are concerned about what they do to make it. Think about it, if Lomin corporation offered most anybody on this website a job paying 250 grand a year to promote their diamonds in the black community most of you would immediately accept the position. In fact, most of you would pay them to do the job if their diamonds were in a nice ring. Here's the problem, Lomin is one of the biggest precious metal mining companies in the world and is responsible for a large portion of the damage done to the planet on a daily basis. But most of you wouldn't care, you'd only care about when you would start.

That's what makes people like Pac so special. We finally had an antibody for this disease strong enough to heal the people necessary to fight it and what do we do? Kill it.

It's sad man, we really need to get it together.

Somebody turn this man's life into a movie. He already has the #1 highest selling documentary of all time. All the money that the movie makes should go back into all the black communities across America. This dude was really a living legend and all about his people.
May 11, 2012
this is the shyt that infuriates me about Pac...

He was a brilliant mind that was destined to become the voice of his generation and be SO much bigger than a rapper or actor, except dude had an identity crisis and didn't know whether he wanted to be Malcolm or keep portraying Birdie off camera. His thought process and mentality were so advanced for his age and I think he would have eventually figured out what he was put on this Earth for, but dude got caught up living in a life he wasn't built for and paid the ultimate price. You can't help but notice the contradictions when he's adamant about bringing people together and making this world better for all, yet the next minute perpetuating violence and misogyny in his music, knowing just how impressionable the youth, who was his audience, is. It's sad man, he's one of the few people of our generation who I really feel like could have changed the world for the better had he lived long enough to realize his purpose.

Brilliant mind, but maturity comes in time.He never his chance:yeshrug:

That's the tragedy of Tupac.

And that's why he's still an enigma after all these years.

Another thing, I don't think Pac ever glorified violence and misogyny.He didn't do that shyt to be "cool" like the next rapper.Out of all his catalog, probably less than 1% could be considered misogynistic.He always came from the perspective of not trusting shady females because he got done in by one.He put it out there more as a cautionary tale.It's a lesson in all of it.

One more other thing...nikkaz kill me with that "Pac wasn't built for that kind of life" shyt when he was literally born into a gang(Panthers).It was just more organized than the typical street gang.He grew up poor,lived in bad neighborhoods, and had a mother who was addicted to is he any different than nikkaz who eventually join gangs? Stories sound the same to me:yeshrug:...nikkaz act like Pac was Drake or some shyt :heh:.

He just happened to soak up some Panther ideology to go with his madness.It seems like some people think you have to be a "gangster" in order to be a thorough nikka.Any nikka can be a soldier for a cause close to their heart
May 1, 2012
Brilliant mind, but maturity comes in time.He never his chance:yeshrug:

That's the tragedy of Tupac.

And that's why he's still an enigma after all these years.

Another thing, I don't think Pac ever glorified violence and misogyny.He didn't do that shyt to be "cool" like the next rapper.Out of all his catalog, probably less than 1% could be considered misogynistic.He always came from the perspective of not trusting shady females because he got done in by one.He put it out there more as a cautionary tale.It's a lesson in all of it.

One more other thing...nikkaz kill me with that "Pac wasn't built for that kind of life" shyt when he was literally born into a gang(Panthers).It was just more organized than the typical street gang.He grew up poor,lived in bad neighborhoods, and had a mother who was addicted to is he any different than nikkaz who eventually join gangs? Stories sound the same to me:yeshrug:...nikkaz act like Pac was Drake or some shyt :heh:.

He just happened to soak up some Panther ideology to go with his madness.It seems like some people think you have to be a "gangster" in order to be a thorough nikka.Any nikka can be a soldier for a cause close to their heart

sorry man, but this guy right here had no business hanging around stone cold killers, regardless of genealogy

  • Dap
Reactions: Rev
Jun 1, 2012
this is the shyt that infuriates me about Pac...

He was a brilliant mind that was destined to become the voice of his generation and be SO much bigger than a rapper or actor, except dude had an identity crisis and didn't know whether he wanted to be Malcolm or keep portraying Birdie off camera. His thought process and mentality were so advanced for his age and I think he would have eventually figured out what he was put on this Earth for, but dude got caught up living in a life he wasn't built for and paid the ultimate price. You can't help but notice the contradictions when he's adamant about bringing people together and making this world better for all, yet the next minute perpetuating violence and misogyny in his music, knowing just how impressionable the youth, who was his audience, is. It's sad man, he's one of the few people of our generation who I really feel like could have changed the world for the better had he lived long enough to realize his purpose.

I feel you breh! But perspective is everything 24/25 years old. World at his hands. Demons at his feet. I feel like his heart was always in the right place tho. That internal strife was ultimately his downfall. But damn what a visionary. A true once in a lifetime incarnation. They don't make em like Pac no more. :wow:

I love me some Pac! Powerful convo. His sense of community is markedly absent in today's music industry. PAC was just so much more than a rapper/entertainer. Gone too soon. :to:


Apr 30, 2012
sorry man, but this guy right here had no business hanging around stone cold killers, regardless of genealogy

ha, i had a feeling this was coming.

it was interesting how he talked about lil' kids are only unhappy when things are over - when it's time to go inside, when the tv is shut off, when it's time to go to bed. and how adults complicate things. to a kid, the sky is an adult, the sky is blue but why is it blue, the birds & the clouds, etc.
Last edited:
Jun 1, 2012
It's telling what Pac's reaction was to being signed to Death Row "Yeah it's okay, its cool for now"

In the media he had this fierce loyalty to Death Row and would snap on anyone that would challenge them.. Even when Dre left or Snoop sided with anyone else he was always the most vocal.. But deep inside he had to know Suge was a snake..

I feel you. But the videos description says Pac had only been out of jail for a few days when this recorded. He may not have been around them long enough to form an opinion.

But ultimately we know it was a toxic situation that only perpetuated his gang involvement

I would love to know why Pac felt the need to embrace the gang culture/mentality vs the movement. I assume the family type allegiance and the constantly being shot at would be the answer. But it's got to be deeper than that.


F*ck Ya Corny Debates
Apr 30, 2012
Pac embraced that gang shyt because of the Haitian Jack/Jimmy Henchmen shyt that popped off in NY

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
I feel you. But the videos description says Pac had only been out of jail for a few days when this recorded. He may not have been around them long enough to form an opinion.

But ultimately we know it was a toxic situation that only perpetuated his gang involvement

I would love to know why Pac felt the need to embrace the gang culture/mentality vs the movement. I assume the family type allegiance and the constantly being shot at would be the answer. But it's got to be deeper than that.
The Bloods bought his freedom and took care of him when he was in a vunerable moment.. Plus they were a much more powerful branch of the Black Panther Party that hadn't yet been detroyed by the U.S. government...Gang banging is just a branch off of the tree of the Black Panther movement and Black Nationalism..Almost like what the Tea Party is to the Republican Party..Him being drawn to the Bloods makes all the sense in the world..He just shouldn't have been active and on the front lines like he was.. I blame Suge and some of the OG's around for even allowing their investment to be out there like that..