Aussar's minutes have been cut drastically, to three point he's not a factor. I still watch basically to see Cade and hopefully Ivey's improvement. It's frustrating as hell though cause it's a lot of terrible basketball, especially defensively.
Shifting gears, I watched vid on YouTube and the topic was how team culture based around a coach has proven to be more valuable than basing the culture around players. Coach Spo and others were the examples. They say teams who allow their coach to coach hard have consistently fared better than teams who coddle stars.
It also mentioned ball movement being superior to iso ball. Monty’s 1 second offense might be the way we get out the gutter but it’s not looking good. Hopefully the team makes moves to get more shooters around Cade before the deadline. This team isn’t pieced together properly.
If the heat can get 9 undrafted players to contend we should be able to get the right pieces around Cade, and as long as Cade is willing to be our Duncan by allowing our coach to coach hard, we’ll be alright.