Monday Night Raw 8/12/19: Suplex City burned down


Let me work.
Jun 20, 2013
Don't know why y'all getting your hopes up with Sasha Banks turning heel. I'm fully expecting WWE to fukk this up just like they did with Dean Ambrose's heel turn.

Dean Ambrose immediately became IC champion and was already on his way out of the door when he turned heel.

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
Michael Come going crazy during this Sasha Return..EVIL VENGEANCE? you dont know if she's evil, you little
he only one of the main mf'rs behind the scenes :mjlol: yr levels to believing it's real is :mjlol: retarded fakkit bytch


All Star
Dec 26, 2014
When you become "The Man", you realize that you're only as good as your competition. You can't be main eventing PPVs if your competition ain't worth doing it with you. Charlotte didn't need to be added to Ronda Rousey vs. Becky Lynch at Mania, but if you're going to do a women's main event at WrestleMania ... shyt of that nature happens.

The point is, Becky realizes that to stay where she wants to be, she needs the right folks there with her. She needs people that are willing to TAKE the main event spot like she did or at the very least, have what it takes to be there. She needs Sasha. She needs Charlotte. She technically needs Alexa too, but she's more apt to get a main-event caliber match from Sasha or Charlotte than she is from Alexa.

So until the WWE puts the time in to build up other women as being worth seeing in those marquee spots, Becky literally has to beg for the likes of Sasha Banks. Because her time as the main event isn't just on her. It doesn't matter how valuable she is if her opponent ain't on that level in the eyes of the fans or higher-ups.

That's why she curtain jerked -- as important a slot as it is and as solid as the match was, The Man ain't supposed to be curtain jerking -- and Trish came off the couch and got the most important women's match of the show.

Ronda gutting the division and the injuries have left Becky with Jack and that's why she wanted Sasha. She knows the importance of competition. Natalya is slotted where she is and going the Meta route with Lacey was dumb. No one bought it for a second.

Relentlass would work better with the division's current state, but that only works if she has a heel turn window. That character is an anything to win role as champ where it opens the .

They needed to elevate women up to Becky's level and they didn't.

Alexa could be a pretty good feud for Becky as well if she doesn't play underdog.

With Becky, she has always worked well with workrate focused performers mixed with character. She is so character and story driven as a performer. Most of her quality feuds are on Smackdown. She also doesn't fit a fighting champion mold.
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