This feud is backwards as fukk.
They did Orton putting Edge on the shelf and smacking around Mrs Edge to lead into a 12 hour Last Man Standing match but now they want to do "Who's The Best Wrestling Technician?" like that makes a luck of sense.
Orton has great timing in the ring, I'll give him that. Edge is a garbage wrestler. Meaning he really only excels with weapons and shyt.
Nah there was a lot of on sight going down on Smackdown when the brand split started. I remember Nikki Bella would stay catching the beats from Carmella and Natalya.It seems like only the Owens/Zayn feud was an "ON SIGHT" feud with mostly just throwing hands
If a guy beat up my wife I don't think I would be having a in ring chat about who loves pro wrestling more.
No, I stopped watching around 2003 and didn't start watching again until 2012