The Fiend and Alexa as a power couple could have been intriguing if they let it cook. Instead it was mostly Bliss hanging around in a trance while the Fiend simped. Then when he got put in the burn unit for a few months Bliss did more to wear Orton down than the Fiend ever did smh.
If they wanted Bliss to turn on Wyatt/Fiend they should have drawn it out and then tied it to her character as a whole; she is a female Kevin Owens, someone never to be trusted as she will manipulate and use anything and anyone to get ahead.
This shyt now is silly. Like how did Bliss learn all this dark magic in a few months? What struggles did she go through? Wyatt harnessed the Fiend after years of basically being evil and suffering losses along the way. Like, there is no build up for this. If they wanted a female Fiend they could have had her do all this stuff with Wyatt mentoring her and they terrorize the divisions together until the inevitable split.
Also get your ass back Bliss.