I'm the biggest Miz stan on TSC but even I was ashamed on how Miz fumbled the ball last night. #RetireTheBriefcase
Billie has no friendsIt's clearly going to be the Riott Squad. Billie and Nattie are not a tag team.
Worse than Damien Sandow? Nah.I'm the biggest Miz stan on TSC but even I was ashamed on how Miz fumbled the ball last night. #RetireTheBriefcase
Didn't they hire Gulak to be a primary trainer at the PC? I guess he's just on TV now to do the occasional job.
He would and I'd love to see it. He has character and can work. Hell pay him extra to train he talentGulak would eat in TNA.
Lacey can't stop.... won't stop
I just figured it out. Garza is like a heterosexual Sami Guevara.
At least Damian showed a legit fighting chance plus he cashed in on Cena and you know he wasn't gonna defeat plot armor Cena in any type of cash inWorse than Damien Sandow? Nah.
Something about.since moving to Raw just.hasnt connected ,, well it probably started before that when the Otis feud lasted longer than it shouldI'm the biggest Miz stan on TSC but even I was ashamed on how Miz fumbled the ball last night. #RetireTheBriefcase
My Wizards need a big man.Damn how tall is breh?!