Kayfabe, that's such a ruthless accomplishment. Tapped an old Kurt Angle out to his own Ankle Lock after Angle Slamming him. Classic legendary heel shyt.
the problem is, they could play it up like he's being a maniac at home and it being a strain on their relationship, but they probably dont wanna ruin upcoming total divas plotlines when her and dean go on an apple picking date and end up having a playful food fight.i would rock with it if she did it while mentioning their marriage " you think this is crazy? this is just Monday for him"
I don't like her being so indifferent to Dean tripping, like they've acknowledge they're married in kayfabe so it makes he seem dumb.
Total Divas/Bellas has done more harm than good: it's breaking kayfabe, it's ruining storylines, it has extended the Bellas career unnecessary, etc.the problem is, they could play it up like he's being a maniac at home and it being a strain on their relationship, but they probably dont wanna ruin upcoming total divas plotlines when her and dean go on an apple picking date and end up having a playful food fight.