Queen Z got some 5th Harmony ass theme 

None of that changes her bodyEasily. She used to be decent, but now she looks like the captain of a WNBA team.
How is naming low level women(not Zelina) a winning argument? Of course they would trade places with her because they're C tier wrestlers, but what A level talent would want to be booked the way she's being booked? This feud isn't making Bianca a star because Sasha already did that, and this feud isn't proving Bianca belongs because Sasha & Bayley already did that, this feud is basically just re-establishing Becky as the top woman in the WWE. After everything Sasha and Bayley did to make the women's division important again, 2021 is going to end with Chuck and Becky fighting for the one millionth time at Survivor Series.won RR
Main event WM
Was the champ for 4 months
dana brooke/carmella/ zelina/ etc would trade spots with her in a heartbbeat…