Mom Whose 4-Year-Old Daughter Died After Being Bottle Fed Mountain Dew Learns Fate

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC

Mom Whose 4-Year-Old Daughter Died After Being Bottle Fed Mountain Dew Learns Fate​

NewsBy TooFab Staff|5/27/2024 3:13 PM PT
FOX 19

Prosecutors said the 4-year-old "suffered for a majority of her short life" after she wasn't diagnosed or treated for her diabetes, adding that the child's soda diet also left her with rotten teeth.​

An Ohio mother -- whose 4-year-old daughter died from diabetes-related complications due to a diet mostly consisting of Mountain Dew -- has been sentenced to prison.
According to the Cincinnati Enquirer on Friday, Tamara Banks, 41, was sentenced to at least nine years in prison after she previously pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter for the 2022 death of her 4-year-old daughter, Karmity.
The young girl died in January 2022 after Banks and the child's father, Christopher Hoeb, found her unresponsive and called 911, according to local Cincinnati news station FOX 19. Prosecutors said that although they were able to revive her, she remained unresponsive and was taken to the hospital, where she was declared brain dead. She was taken off life support a few days later.
Clermont County Prosecutor Mark Tekulve said, per FOX 19, that Karmity "suffered for a majority of her short life" as a result of "the neglect and abuse by her parents."
Prosecutors said Banks and Hoeb denied their daughter proper nutrition and medical care, and the girl had undiagnosed diabetes.
According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, prosecutors also said the parents mostly fed Karmity Mountain Dew from a baby bottle, adding that Banks would frequently mix baby formula with the soda, even though she was at an age when she should have been weaned off a bobble.
FOX 19 reported that Karmity's soda diet rotted her teeth, saying she almost had none left. The Cincinnati Enquirer also noted that prosecutors said investigators couldn't find evidence the young girl had ever seen a dentist.

"This is one of the most tragic cases I have ever encountered," Clermont County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Clay Tharp told the outlet.
Karmity died on January 25, 2022. The coroner's office determined the girl's cause of death as diabetic ketoacidosis, a "serious complication of diabetes that can be life-threatening," according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While DKA is most common with Type 1 diabetes, it can also happen with those with Type 2.
Prosecutors explained that Karmity "had diabetes that was left undiagnosed and untreated over a long period of time," and said her death could have been prevented.
"This child did not have to die," Tharp told the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Banks, meanwhile, told the judge in court, "I thought I was taking care of her."
Prosecutors also shared that Karmity's death was not the only diabetes-related incident in the household, saying that Banks has older children who were mistreated while under her care. According to prosecutors, one of her sons fell into a coma when he was four due to complications from undiagnosed diabetes, and she neglected his medical needs after he recovered from the coma.
In July 2023, Banks and Hoeb, 53, were indicted for murder, involuntary manslaughter, and two counts of child endangering, according to FOX 19. The murder and child-endangering charges were later dismissed.
Like Banks, Hoeb pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter. His sentencing is set for June 11.
Although Banks was sentenced to nine years in prison, it can be extended as a result of her behavior under an Ohio state law, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer. She can possibly serve as long as 13 and a half years.



Miami Hurricanes football fan...
May 1, 2012
Miami Hurricanes,Dallas Cowboys, St. John's, DMV
A few things…

Off top, RIP to the baby, shame that she had these morons for parents…she was innocent :mjcry:

Number two, she looked EXACTLY like I thought she would before I opened the thread.

Three, I love Mt. Dew, no way in hell should a child be drinking that, much less given a steady diet of it…

Four, they should whip her azz in shape as hard as they can, like 13-15 hr days, then feed her relentlessly, and make her gain it all back, then keep repeating it until she dies a horrible death…

Five, castrate the “father”…make him eat his own junk…feed him a brick, make him look like that chick that faked getting hit with the brick…beat him until he dies a painful death…


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
shyt is sick. I was diagnosed with type 1 at 6 years old after I was feeling weird as hell and pissing back to back. Been taking care of my shyt by myself since like 8 when I started doing everything myself, my Aunt was on point with it when I was too young to manage it myself.

That lil kid had to be feeling horrible. Constantly high sugar mean your heart beating fast as fukk, your mouth dry as hell, you puss everything out immediately, shyt feels bad.

fukk that busted ass pink bytch for doing that to her kid smh

Clayton Endicott

Jul 11, 2015
A lodge of the Saints John of Jerusalem
shyt is sick. I was diagnosed with type 1 at 6 years old after I was feeling weird as hell and pissing back to back. Been taking care of my shyt by myself since like 8 when I started doing everything myself, my Aunt was on point with it when I was too young to manage it myself.

That lil kid had to be feeling horrible. Constantly high sugar mean your heart beating fast as fukk, your mouth dry as hell, you puss everything out immediately, shyt feels bad.

fukk that busted ass pink bytch for doing that to her kid smh
Damn homie, I lost my first girlfriend and one of my homies back to back to type 1. I hope you stay on top of it. We stayed on my homie's head about his because he was drinking, smoking and sipping lean like it was going out of style. He got right eventually but his organs started shutting down. I don't know if my girl was taking care of herself later on or not because we lost touch the last fifteen years, but she didn't look well. shyt is sad man.