MKBHD tries a potentially revolutionary 360 degree treadmill invented by a breh, Lanny Smoot


May 17, 2012
the internet
Brehs do you know how far along in science and engineering we would be if they had given FBA reparations.?!!!

We are full of ideas without the resources to make them come to fruition.

My father had the idea to mix fruit juice and seltzer in the 70’s, he also used to make a pre work out boost drink before going to the gym. Now both those shyts are everywhere.

Props to this brother glad his name is getting out there.

thats assuming money is the issue


The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Does Lanny have opps tho?


May 14, 2012

These studies are bullshyt.

I went to an education seminar at the University of Kansas decades ago. And in case you aren't familiar Kansas is white and conservative.

These are narratives of studies, they are studies of narratives.

But they often don't designate what qualifies as homework and what doesn't. Just because a black kid reads for 1 hour after school doesn't mean he's given the same credit as a white kid who does 100 algebra problems. If a black kid and an Asian kid both have the same assignment but the Asian kid finishes completes the assignment 11 minutes and the black kid finishes it in 18 minutes. The black kids doesn't get credit for having "spent more time doing homework".

Studying and homework are not interchangable terms yet they are largely interchanged. Studying might be reviewing an assignment/questions/reading, researching for ones own edification, whereas homework is an assignment that needs to be turned in and graded.

**Homework is a something to take with a grain of salt because not all homework is assigned equally. There's nothing in schools curriculum that states a student must have so many assignments to take home/complete at home. And not all classes are equal. A student may finish his algebra in class and never bring the book home, whereas the calc student might bring the book home everyday. Also most studies have some form of study hall/study period. Not only are two high schools in the same district/school system may have the same curriculum, but two different school systems have different classes, different curriculum.

This matters because while there are state standards that everyone has to meet, the difference is how they get there. For instance my high school had 8 periods like 40 minutes each. Whereas the school I wanted to go to had 4 classes roughly an hour and 50 minutes late.

2hrs doing math in class vs 45 mins doing math, or English or history is a vast difference. One school is going to have more "homework" but the other school has more "class time" each school can argue which makes for a better student.

12th grade English probably doesn't have as much homework as English AP. Biology 3. Might have more homework than chemistry 1.

What's the duration of these studies? Is this over one week? One quarter? One semester? One year? 2 years?

Who's reporting the studying and who is verifying it? Is it the students? The parents? The teachers?
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Jimmy from Linkedin

All Star
Oct 10, 2017
Managing Director at Breh & Breh, Inc
These studies are bullshyt.

I went to an education seminar at the University of Kansas decades ago. And in case you aren't familiar Kansas is white and conservative.

These are narratives of studies, they are studies of narratives.

But they often don't designate what qualifies as homework and what doesn't. Just because a black kid reads for 1 hour after school doesn't mean he's given the same credit as a white kid who does 100 algebra problems. If a black kid and an Asian kid both have the same assignment but the Asian kid finishes completes the assignment 11 minutes and the black kid finishes it in 18 minutes. The black kids doesn't get credit for having "spent more time doing homework".

Studying and homework are not interchangable terms yet they are largely interchanged. Studying might be reviewing an assignment/questions/reading, researching for ones own edification, whereas homework is an assignment that needs to be turned in and graded.

**Homework is a something to take with a grain of salt because not all homework is assigned equally. There's nothing in schools curriculum that states a student must have so many assignments to take home/complete at home. And not all classes are equal. A student may finish his algebra in class and never bring the book home, whereas the calc student might bring the book home everyday. Also most studies have some form of study hall/study period. Not only are two high schools in the same district/school system may have the same curriculum, but two different school systems have different classes, different curriculum.

This matters because while there are state standards that everyone has to meet, the difference is how they get there. For instance my high school had 8 periods like 40 minutes each. Whereas the school I wanted to go to had 4 classes roughly an hour and 50 minutes late.

2hrs doing math in class vs 45 mins doing math, or English or history is a vast difference. One school is going to have more "homework" but the other school has more "class time" each school can argue which makes for a better student.

12th grade English probably doesn't have as much homework as English AP. Biology 3. Might have more homework than chemistry 1.

What's the duration of these studies? Is this over one week? One quarter? One semester? One year? 2 years?

Who's reporting the studying and who is verifying it? Is it the students? The parents? The teachers?

What you said and Usually studies like this are used to push charter schools and vouchers instead of increasing public school funding or more importantly, teacher pay.