Oh well than she's black according to posters on this forum

the fukkk are u talking about?

Just accept the fact that "Black-Americans" have just as much right to depict/isolate/pickapart/and differentiate what "white

" is, just as much as "White-Americans" do, "Blacks."
We do not accept Labels. They benefit US NONE. Only Cac-Mindset do they help.
NOW, YVETTE in your eyes is "White." Fine. We accept that.
But in between the EARS, she is not "White." In between her ears, Yvette is ALIVE and PURELY BEAUTIFUL

Now, between 9 of 10 "White-Americans" ears?.........Come on now..

Basically, I'm sayings......
White is a MINDSET. "White PEOPLE" don't exist. White ZOMBIES DO!