What, he looks more usable than David and miz, a better look.
That could be true, I was too busy falling asleep or changing the channel to argue that. but he was always definition boring and average no matter what company he was in, wwf wcw, TNA was the worst because he decided to turn himself into a poor man's Triple H and take up waaaayy to much TV time from far more interesting talents. So fukk him lol j/k
at Miz holding the IC title for a day.
*Grand opening, grand closing
serious question
would you rather see Miz wrestle or be on commentary?:ANYWORD:
serious question
would you rather see Miz wrestle or be on commentary?:ANYWORD:
I can't believe I'm saying this but.......Wrestling By FAR and its not even close.
you gotta realize even thou he sucks, if he's wrestling he's only out there for one match and maybe a promo. If they put on commentary more we're stuck listening to him....TALK for 1-2 or possibly 3 hours and that would be just Brutal on so many levels.
I`d rather see him wrestle...in TNA....as Ice Cold Mike Mizanin