The hell are you talking about,there are definitely lightskinned black people who look mixed,which is why your thought proccess makes no sense

Plus you dudes always try to bring up the one drop rule as if thats what we are actually going by.
First of all genetics don't work based on "one drop" in the first place,so we definitely are not going by what those stupid crackas said back in the day

Second of all,biracials are not a 50/50 split genetically where it matters,when it comes to features that IDENTIFY you as black.
When your biracial and your features identify you as black(no Rachel Dolezai) than you are black.
Is Logic or these girls black?not based on what Ive seen of them. But most biracials are not on the Logic spectrum. If they really represented I probably wouldn't deny their right to claim black,but seems like they are passing so they are easily rejected.