all I'm saying is any logical person(someone with common sense) should know how to vote.
Even if you don't like Obama, the other side always shows their ass and it's not even worth
contending. I'll repeat once again, would have really had an old CaC(John McCain) Senator
from AZ (crazy racist state) partnered up with an ill informed running mate, who couldn't
couldn't pass a political science / history class if her life depended on it, vs. A Harvard
Law Graduate, mulatto man.
For the record, Obama, hasn't even been given a fair chance, because the Rethugs, have
been on a mission since day 1 to cause as much havoc as possible. The only reason why
Bush / Cheney were able to get sh*t done, was because they went through the OLC. And
left congress in the dark. Remember Cheney's been in various Presidential Administrations
and a part of Congress, I think he knows how to get sh*t done on the low in Washington.
With that said, every hard critic I know predicted Obama's first term, would end up like this. His
2nd term, is what you should change him off of.
And once again, yes Obama, is corporate backed, there's no way to fiance an election for president off bake sales.