I just caught up with the show in like 5 days. I need somewhere to pour my heart out about the show so I hope you guys don't mind
-I'll start off with the fact that I can't believe they got rid of my man nathan after two seasons. he was the best character on the show.

at when he fukked that grandma

goddamn she was fine. I preferred her in the beginning though when she hadn't been tamed by simon. when she was sucking on that banana

sad she got killed. the storyline with her and simon could have kept going, but I guess they felt it had run its course.
-simon. dude was funny to me. I liked him as the guy in the suit. Every time I saw him with alisha I was pissed. At least when she was curtis I could vicariously live through him.
-Curtis I like him

but sometimes I felt like he was just there to fulfill the black guy quota. He wasn't as interesting as the rest of the characters, but somehow he's the only original remaining. The storyline with him turning into a girl was interesting, but I couldn't even be attracted to the girl that was playing "curtis"

He's got cool hair though
rudy- I hated him at first cause I kept comparing him to nate. but I've started to fukk with him as the show has progressed. That girl that he slept with that liked anal
Seth- Probably my second favorite character on the show. He's a cool motherfukker.
Kelly- she was ugly, hated her voice, but she had nice t*ts I guess. glad she's gone.
I don't fukk with finn at all, but I like Jess
-The casting directors must really like mixed chicks

at how all the probation workers get killed
With all that said, I really like the show. looking forward to the 3rd episode