Cities burning is all the more reason he might get convicted. Convicts can be political in natureThere is 0 chance he gets convicted or that there's even any doubt. Cities are going to burn.
- Already was saying "I can't breathe" before he was put on the ground
- No evidence of asphyxia
- No trauma to the trachea/neck
- Cause of death listed as cardiopulmonary arrest
- Lethal dose of fentanyl in the blood along with 4 other drugs, and behind the wheel of a car while that high
- Knee restraint is legal in the MPD
- Evidence of drug-induced excited delirium where suspects sometimes die even with minimal restraint
Just think about it, any defense is going to have an absolute field day. I hate to say it but Chauvin will walk.
Yeah they’ll probably charge him with something way lesser just so he doesn’t get off “scott free”Cities burning is all the more reason he might get convicted. Convicts can be political in nature
Just think about how the jury is gonna be - I don’t have a lot of faith in this case because of how corrupt and racist this system is. Even in the conviction, it will get appealed under our noses once white America forgets about it.The mental gymnastics and gaslighting I've been reading from these c00ns and delusional, racist cacs is mind-blowing. No justification at all for this murder
Cities are going to burn.
- Already was saying "I can't breathe" before he was put on the ground
- No evidence of asphyxia
- No trauma to the trachea/neck
- Cause of death listed as cardiopulmonary arrest
- Lethal dose of fentanyl in the blood along with 4 other drugs, and behind the wheel of a car while that high
- Knee restraint is legal in the MPD
- Evidence of drug-induced excited delirium where suspects sometimes die even with minimal restraint
Just think about it, any defense is going to have an absolute field day. I hate to say it but Chauvin will walk.
Cities burning is all the more reason he might get convicted. Convict[ions] can be political in nature
Bodycam footage just got leaked
Full 30 minutes