I am not going to allow you to speak down on fellow Black Men, specifically in this thread. You don't speak "hood", yet you are fluent and proficient in the modern language known as "c00n babble". You can cut out the entire "I'm smarter than all of you nikkas" facade that you're attempting to present, because I took a quick glance at your post history. Based upon what I read, you aren't even close to being on my level intellectually. That being said, I'd advise you to sit down and humble yourself before you cause further embarrassment to your already minute existence. You also have the option to put me on "ignore" to avoid the shame that my responses will present to you in the future. The latter would be the cowardly route, but I would not be surprised one bit if that was the route that you decided to take.
Was that clear enough for you,
moron? I'm also capable of typing it in Spanish, if that's what you'd prefer.
I almost forgot....NEGGED.
"c00n babble" that laughable. i see you like the insults too along with your "friends"
" Yo hoe ass seem bothered"
"Shut up pssy"
but i'm the one talking down on my fellow black men..crazy
"c00n babble" is no snitching rule in communities where you can't jog at night, always have to check your surroundings, PTSD before the age of 6, etc.
"c00n babble" is so many of our Poverty-stricken Communities are obsessed with gang ties and killing each other for streets they don't own. Even our boys and girls in the middle and upper-class communities try to act HOOD to prove they are black. That is "c00n babble".
"c00n babble" as you call it is our people don't even know who their local representatives are.
You will not ALLOW me to talk down to fellow black men when THEY are the ones who came for me. I never said I was smarter than the next man and I'm a very direct man....so that interesting.
You also didn't reply to any of my comments but want to get uppity with me. I'm not fukking you I don't give a damn how smart you are.
Black people have been hit the hardest from the rona and you think it a good idea to Mindlessly riot areas where they pay taxes too, have to work in if they still have jobs,
If they want to target the officers that killed that poor man like in the video I quoted...PERFECT.
Well whites rioted a predominantly black area of Tulsa Oklahoma and they never recovered.
By rioted, they destroyed the businesses. Although it's unfair they did have military/national guard support....the point is don't underestimate rioting.
If your well versed in American history then you know rioting is a national pastime. This was by white people. Yes white people destroying their own businesses, cities, houses. Cities destroyed, businesses, houses, the people would gang up and beat up cops, drag business owners out in the street and beat them. They destroy inventory for businesses so they couldnt operate.
If you think cities shut down because the CDC recommended, not because of any laws that were passed, and people actually can go to work but are choosing not to, just wait until there's not businesses to back to work too because they are destroyed.
I am well aware of Tulsa and all the other burned down communities but I can't continue to hate racist that are dead or on death door. I can only deal with the ones here and now. I refuse to have generational trauma.
I don't care what whites do, spicy white Mexicans or latino's, or any "others"
I care about our people moving smart. You don't riot where you work, where you shop, where your taxes go.