Jean toomer
I don’t think you understand friend, these are exactly the type of sociopaths that the police want to enforce municipal laws. Many of these police are grandfathered in to the force by way of friends and relatives.Man I had to turn that shyt off when I noticed dude wasn’t moving anymore. They need to do severe background checks on everyone before they become police. Too many situations where 12 get triggered and take out they emotions on black people when it’s not even necessary. I’ve been in situations where this could have happened to me and I can tell you as a black man it’s terrifying when you know someone could antagonize, disrespect and attempt to kill you and still get a pass because they have a badge. I don’t care if he drunk or high asf. Putting extreme force on someone neck while 2 others is holding them down is fukked up. We should be able to defend ourselves against 12.