Rell Lauren
Also saw ACAB spray painted on buildings in pics and videos. The situation was ripe for Antifa and other anarchist groups to take advantage of 

Always relevant...
Is the property damage in the white part of town or the central business district of Minneapolis?
That’s not what I said at all. Anyone who thinks this is smart wont like how this plays out and there isn’t thing fake about what I said.the Target is in an > 80% non-Black neighborhood
you can stop making up hypotheticals to justify your faux outrage at a damn Target losing some items now.
Stumbled on a porn clip. Looked just like homie. He was bakin' dem cheeks too.
Exactly. They chose to protect him over the city and these are the results.All the popo is at that cops house guarding it. Easy pickings for looting. Burn it down