Millennials Have Discovered 'Going Out' Sucks


Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
We have different ideas of what going out means.

You don't have to spend a crazy amount of money "going out".

The excuses I've seen people use is that they 1) don't have the money or 2) getting things at home is convenient (which I believe is pure laziness).
most people have those loose interpretations. from high school on in conversations when someone asks me or talks about going out, its always discussed in the terms of hitting up a club or bar or something and partying for hours on end. no ones ever considered grabbing a couple beers and catching a game at a bar as going out. its always been "you going out on thursday night?" "nah im just gonna grab a bite somewhere and watch the michigan game and take it easy" you can see in here most people are talking about clubbing and stuff being the realm of going out. not hitting up some spot for a bite and heading home after. clubs and most restaurants/bars/lounges where groups like to congregate on nights out cost way more than some local dive bar or some hole in the wall eatery. i have always separated the 2, and believe thats what this initial article was getting at also

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Your location must be different, because cold approaching women while they're walking in NYC has a VERY low success rate.
Its a different environment. Everyone in NYC is on the defensive. Odds are very high that if someone in NYC is coming up to you they want money (either a bum or one of those Amnesty International "do you care about children" people) so unless you have God's face and gift of gab that shyt is a no go.

But eating in NYC is pretty easy once you get to know people and have your shyt together :manny:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
most people have those loose interpretations. from high school on in conversations when someone asks me or talks about going out, its always discussed in the terms of hitting up a club or bar or something and partying for hours on end. no ones ever considered grabbing a couple beers and catching a game at a bar as going out. its always been "you going out on thursday night?" "nah im just gonna grab a bite somewhere and watch the michigan game and take it easy" you can see in here most people are talking about clubbing and stuff being the realm of going out. not hitting up some spot for a bite and heading home after. clubs and most bars/lounges where groups like to congregate on nights out cost way more than some local dive bar or some hole in the wall pub. i have always separated the 2, and believe thats what this initial article was getting at also
When you are :flabbynsick: like me going out for dinner is a big night out :mjgrin:


Apr 18, 2013
'm convinced if you have mouthpiece you should be able to eat good since women ain't really getting approached like that in the real world since everyone is so introverted.

I've noticed there's alot of chicks in there early to mid twenties that are still virgins same with dudes which i'm not saying is a bad thing. Just goes to show how social anxiety is in full effect.
Oct 14, 2012
I go out far less, but I'm also 20k in the bag with student loans (pretty good lol) and have bills + a steady, long term relationship.

I think my tastes are just changing now. I'm just not interested in getting blacked out drunk and racking up a massive bar tab. I can't really afford wasted days anymore recovering from long nights. When I go out out, once or twice a month, it has to include good food. I'd much rather spend the dough on a good meal + one or two quality drinks than going out to have a wild night.

I grabbed korean bbq with a friend a few days ago and washed it down with a few IPAs (don't @ me). We were able to actually enjoy a conversation and not have to scream into each others ears at a crowded bar or watch people were with sit on their phones.

It was nice. I value one on one time increasingly more as I get older.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Believe it or not you can find life fulfillment out of what society tells you is fulfiling.

There's nothing fulfiling about clubbing whatosever, in my eyes.

You sound like a sheep. Follow the herd ass mindless motherfukker.

Miss me with the projections, you're an introvert who would rather stay in than go out.

Just admit it and kim instead of making laughable excuses as to why you wont go out.

Concerning VIolence

May 26, 2015
the belly of the empire
Miss me with the projections, you're an introvert who would rather stay in than go out.

Just admit it and kim instead of making laughable excuses as to why you wont go out.

Did I not say clubbing is not fufilling in my eyes? I believe that already admits something.

Also you're on a internet forum, breh with 22,000 posts to your name, acting like you're a different species.

And again you keep adding this value to "going out" like it actually means something, a reflection of society's herd mentality upon yourself. Going out doesn't mean anything.
Oct 14, 2012
The root cause is cause a lot of younger folks are broke. It's that simple. Look at all the folks in here complaining about drink prices and cost of going out as an excuse. If they could afford to pop bottles and get women they would. But getting out is not just bars and parties.. Most folks also do not even own passports so they don't travel either. Most people don't or can't take real vacation time from work. And Many folks never even leave their home state. You guys are not living.. you are just existing.. and it's pretty sad to see. You guys love to champion mediocrity on this site as if that's something to aspire to or be proud of.

However, there is no excuse for a young person to be in the house all day watching TV. Get out the house an enjoy life as much as you can. You are only young once and you will regret not doing more when you are old and have no choice but to sit in the house. I never understood the idea of waiting until you are old or retired to attempt to live and have fun.

A lotta folks gonna be in for a rude awaking IF you even live that long. If you are working yourself to death in your 20s and 30's you probably wont make to your 40's without health issues. Most Americans will never make enough to really retire anyway so by the time they get old they cant even enjoy life if they wanted too.

There's so much free fukking shyt to do if you live in a decent sized city. I guarantee you there is at least a half dozen free museums in your area. Forest preserves and nature areas are free. If you have the fortune of living close to quality outdoor activities, you better be taking advantage of them.

Pick up cheap hobbies. Play chess. Exercise. Read. Meditate. Volunteer.

The article was geared more towards partying I suppose. But if money is issue, you can find fulfillment in plenty of other areas.

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
crazy how many people rather stay home all the time than to go out and socialize with other people. shyt aint healthy at all. humans are social creatures. It doesn't even have to be at some loud club with expensive drinks either. just simple shyt. goin to watch the game at a random bar wit ya boy or if you with a chick, ridin bikes in the park or goin out dancing. shyt doesn't cost a lot of money at all. solitary confinement is a form of punishment for a reason.
Jan 19, 2017
With that being said I still go out from time to time just not as much as 18-22, im 24 now and I got tired of it a while back

And im focusing on my money right now cuz the economy is looking spooky, no reason tk be going out clubbing if u dont have ur shyt together

I still step out maybe once every few months but like dudes in here have said i cop me a 3.5 of some kush, call up a girl that i know, hop on netflix then well u know the rest:jawalrus:

Im one of the few dudes who cold approach anywhere & i know guys who legit wait till they drunk and at a bar/club to approach a girl. Thats corny to me.

I have smashed gurls from the clubs & bars but its still a waste of time considering the food, uber ride, expensive alcohol just to go the club and get a few #s from bytches who suck at texting. When I could cook dinner at my crib, invite that lil cutie I met at the grocery store earlier, get sauced up on some wine or other girly drinks and do the dam thing:blessed: see there I saved my money and now i can go back to saving this money since generation fukkboy screwed us over.

I totally get what you're saying about the wingman. Some of you guys live in big cities/heavily populated areas so you have no excuse....When the weather was nice me and a homie would post up and make small talk with girls. Nothing too forceful just pleasantries. Cheapest way to secure the buns I know


Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
I mean seriously this is no surprise. I mean look at the Coli. You have a ton of young people on here that live on here. I mean like 40k posts within 2 years. :scust:

Most are broke also. I mean I'm seeing less and less young people coming in corporate. Most are working bullshyt retail jobs right out of college. Even with that though. I'm hearing these youngins talking about how lame going out to the club is. I was like you guys really missed out. No such thing as buying some dumb ass bottle and you just sitting with your friends. Everybody used to be dancing. The whole purpose back in my day was to meet new people not just sit with your friends taking dumb ass selfies.

1. Social media has killed communication skills with millenials
2, Weird job markets prevent a lot of millenials from making a decent salary
3. Going out is too damn expensive for millenials .

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Did I not say clubbing is not fufilling in my eyes? I believe that already admits something.

Also you're on a internet forum, breh with 22,000 posts to your name, acting like you're a different species.

And again you keep adding this value to "going out" like it actually means something, a reflection of society's herd mentality upon yourself. Going out doesn't mean anything.

22k posts? you got me confused with someone else.

You wouldn't have caught feelings if you had admitted it. I didn't even say there's anything wrong with being an introvert.

I'm simply saying stop tying to paint it as some sort of problem along with making ducktale excuses/lies as to why you wont. If it's in a persons character to want to go out they will go out regardless. If it's not they'll do the opposite and stay in. It aint in yours so keep it moving instead of hitting me up with corny projections about following what society tells you to do or being a sheep.

Concerning VIolence

May 26, 2015
the belly of the empire
22k posts? you got me confused with someone else.

You wouldn't have caught feelings if you had admitted it. I didn't even say there's anything wrong with being an introvert.

I'm simply saying stop tying to paint it as some sort of problem along with making ducktale excuses/lies as to why you wont. If it's in a persons character to want to go out they will go out regardless. If it's not they'll do the opposite and stay in. It aint in yours so keep it moving instead of hitting me up with corny projections about following what society tells you to do or being a sheep.

what does your ramble have to do with OP's topic?


Feb 12, 2015
:what: Aight, ignorant bullshyt like this is why there's a huge ass generation gap

  • Going out equals time and money, young people don't have a lot of either
  • Again, having people over takes planning and preparing which equals time and money too
  • A lot of business, commerce, homework, learning and conversation can be done on phones
Get with the times already, technology isn't the problem, too many :flabbynsick: people refuse to get out the past

You're one of those, huh? :comeon:
Lmao! I am. I've just observed a HUGE atrophy in socialization skills due to overreliance on technology. The tools are never the issue. That wasn't what I was implying. The PEOPLE or their abuse of them are.