I'd like to see how intelligent those who shyt on Tyson would sound/be if someone they trusted blew 300 million of their money while they were locked up during the prime of their life for a crime they didn't commit.
There is a difference between Intelligence and lack of Education. Now I am not going to sit here and call him some sort of great mind, but he actually shows a bit more than those in similar positions. The man could not even pass the GED, but again I think that has more to do with his lack of education more than his actual intelligence...he had one love and was able to acquire all that knowledge about boxing at a very young age. He just lost that discipline shortly after D'Amato died.clearly he's not intelligent if he blew what, 500 mil? that's a clear sign of stupidity.
does he have excellent vocab? absolutely. he also has the greatest quotes and interviews of any athlete in any sport ever, and arguably THE greatest quote ever with that "my style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable" line.
and the vid of him singing "monster mash" on jimmy kimmel >>>>
Cracka ass cracka from Ohio, Not surprised.he uses big words purposely because he's stupid, sorry but its the truth
he was insecure from where he came from, he learned a bunch of big words he heard from people and then he would use them in his interviews
black people like him always try to use big words to front for their stupidity
these cacs done got fearless now that reps are gone...
but yeah, that documentary opened everyone up but really tyson always was intelligent its just when he doesnt have to portray a bully/beast boxer gimmick to help promote fights you can see it. Same with money may, his image is a showboating flashy guy but in a fight he's a machine who breaks down opponents and has one of the greatest defense/counter punch systems in history.
mike breaking down his approach to fights was calculating, deliberate, and amazing to hear. check it out...
Mike Tyson fear of losing and humiliation - YouTube