CNN just got bombed on 

shyt is depressing yo
Hard to believe this shyt is going down in our country
No wonder we are the laughing stock of the world
Even Canada laughs at us
False hope
Breh you always posting in these threads with a devils advocate gimmick.
How hasn't every black black negged this fukkboi to death? @hustlemania @Detroit Wave @KingTut @Nefflum nikka and everyone else who can see this. This fakkit ass cac stays doing this pretending to be black.
LOL, dude you are a clown, your hoe ass in this thread posturing and posing like you finna do something when you ain't finna do shyt, so shut the fukk up about what someone else is gonna do if your hoe ass ain't gonna bust a grape in a fruit fight.
Our sons are targets because they have no fear of our community. They view us as powerless, voiceless.
When was the last time that they did this to a Jewish kid or an Asian kid? How many Trayvon Martins and Mike Browns will there have to be?
What is REALLY going to change within US that will turn the tide to prevent OUR sons from being killed?