Mike Brown Grand Jury decision thread. DECISION: NO CHARGES AGAINST DARREN WILSON!!


Aug 30, 2013
Damn they are making Mike Brown's stepfather the villain now. Damn :snoop:

The media is demonic, all cameras trained on the mother when the verdict is released. Scust.

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
I have been purposely trying to ignore this case but I finally started to do some research to see if this was legit injustice that has been done or its just us black ppl playing victim card?

Here is what my research turned up, please correct any misinformation post

>kid robbed store, manhandled the owner
>walks down middle of street
>cop sees him and tells him to move
>verbal argument ensues
>black kid reaches into car, striking the cop
>evidence shows a shot was fired while black kid was wrestling wiht cop/possibly going for his gun
>black kid walks away
>cop exits car and pursues him
>black kid turns and charges officer
>officer shoots him to death
>autopsy lines up with officer testimony

Now, if these are the facts of the case than I am not sure what the issue is? Again, if any of what I posted is incorrect please correct me and post your source because this just sounds like case of blacks blaming whitey and playing victim and putting to blame on us, and our culture.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Get that the prayers off my damn tv.

CHURCH actually pissed me off....with all the bullshyt praying.....:pacspit:

Wait wait, hold on. So sitting on the Coli all day and just talking is cool, but praying is bad? Both groups ain't really doing nothing if you talking about action. :pachaha:


Playa from the Himalayas #ByrdGang
Jul 9, 2012
Anybody confused about what a Grand Jury actually is and how it was used INCORRECTLY in this case can read this

Ferguson's Grand Jury Problem

168 NOV 25, 2014 11:16 AM EST
By Noah Feldman

When was the last time you heard of a grand jury decision causing a riot? Well … never. That's because grand juries are obscure relics of past practice, not designed to bear the full weight of a politically and symbolically important decision like the nonprosecution of police officer Darren Wilson for the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The decision by St. Louis County Chief Prosecutor Robert McCulloch to put the issue neutrally before the grand jury was intended to create a sense of public legitimacy for whatever result followed, and also no doubt to deflect blame from the prosecutor's own exercise of discretion. It failed on both counts -- and with good reason.

The grand jury has its origins in a medieval English practice: the king, through his sheriff, would order a group of people to appear and report to the authorities the combination of rumor and common knowledge concerning who had committed a crime and needed punishing. The classic history of English law describes it this way: “The ancestors of our ‘grand jurors’ are from the first neither exactly accusers, nor exactly witnesses; they are to give voice to the common repute.” Long before there were police forces, the government had to rely on informed citizens to know what was going on.

The practice developed into an institution that validated accusations and therefore commenced prosecution. In the era when private individuals could bring criminal charges, the grand jury was a useful check on allegations, assuring that they had enough substance to go forward before the accused would be brought to the dock.

The Founding Fathers believed that grand juries had another use: blocking the government from bringing wildly unpopular prosecutions. In the grips of the republican spirit, the state ratifying conventions insisted on putting the grand jury into the Bill of Rights. That's why the federal government still uses them -- and a big reason that roughly half the states use grand juries in some form.

Since the 18th century, however, things have changed. There are no more private criminal prosecutions. And because the grand jury hears only what prosecutors want it to hear, it no longer functions as a meaningful check on their authority. According to the maxim, prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich if they really want to do it. Protection from wrongful prosecution now belongs to the stage of the jury trial, not the grand jury.

All this background is necessary to explain why it was so strange for the prosecutors in Ferguson case to announce that they were going to present evidence to the grand jury and then let it make up its own mind. Prosecutors never treat the grand jury that way. They present a case to the grand jury only if they are actively seeking to prosecute -- then they show the jury the prosecution’s side of the case, and direct the jury to indict if there is probable cause to go forward.

The St. Louis County prosecutors were trying to be clever, repurposing an ancient institution for the contemporary political situation. They seemed to think that, because the grand jury members are drawn from the public, they would create public validation for whatever outcome the grand jury reached.

Yet public validation of ordinary jury trials depends on the public having heard the evidence. The Constitution provides that criminal trials be held publicly, precisely so that the citizenry knows what's going on. Grand jury proceedings are held in secret. That must've appealed to St. Louis County prosecutors, who sought to avoid a media circus. But releasing a summary of the grand jury transcriptsafterward is a far cry from a public trial. Secret evidence was unlikely to produce public validation -- as, in fact, it did not.

To make matters worse, the American public understands that a jury must convict beyond reasonable doubt, and that as a result, some guilty defendants are inevitably acquitted. We might not always like it, as the Rodney King verdict reminds us. But at least we understand the rules of the game.

The grand jury, on the other hand, is supposed to present a true billbased on probable cause. The standard is so low that a grand jury refusing to go forward is essentially saying that there was no plausible basis for the case in the first place. Not having seen the evidence, we the public unsurprisingly find it shocking that the shooting of an unarmed man by a police officer should not give rise to at least the probability of a crime.

By bringing the case to the grand jury in this highly unusual way, the prosecutors were also trying to avoid taking responsibility for a decision either to prosecute or not to go forward. It's easy to understand the impulse: Prosecutors would've been criticized for either decision. What could be more appealing than putting the issue to a group of citizens and treating them as a stand-in for the public?

This impulse was seriously misguided, as the riots show. The jury is not the polity -- it's just a random selection of people who don't bear responsibility for enforcing the law. In the modern era, the job of law enforcement belongs to police and to prosecutors. When the police are under investigation, we need to see the prosecutors making and defending a rational decision on their own.

Prosecutorial discretion is an enormous power, as President Barack Obama recently demonstrated in another context by his executive order on immigration. To trust prosecutors with this judgment, we need to see them owning the decisions they make. Deflecting responsibility to a grand jury can't solve the problem -- and in Ferguson, it didn't.

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🐉⛩️ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 ⛩️ 🐉
Jun 15, 2012
"Where there is a darkness crimes will be committed. The guilty one is not merely he who commits the crime but he who caused the darkness" - Victor Hugo

The criminal isnt Michael Brown's father. The real criminals are those individuals who continue to impose the darkness which is that of injustice and inflict its pain on entire communities (Darren Wilson)

So lets not forget that


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
Okay, does anyone know Mike Brown narrative for what went down the second he was asked to move out of the road? Event by event please! Thanks guys. Btw that article asked question that relates to all of us black ppl that I need to answer and I don't care who this offends.

>But the larger question is, in a sense, simpler: Why?
Why? Look at the riots. Look at the social reaction to this shyt

This "fukk the system", "fukk the police", "fukk CACs" bullshyt that is coming out of the left-wing/c00ns that follow the left is EXACTLY why Mike Brown allegedly acted the way he did. The black community continues to dig their own fukking graves by refusing to be critical of their own people and instead blaming white people for everything.

I don't think its farfetch at all to believe that their is a chance that Mike Brown acted hostile(especially considering the forensic still matches up with cop story ). When a normal human is asked by a police office to stop walking down the middle of the road they tend to comply.

When a black man is faced with a similar challenge he has two choices:
1) Walk away
2) KEEP IT REAL (escalate the situation)

Michael Brown may have made the tragic choice, he chose to keep it real.
before i put you on ignore

the foresnic doesnt match up....Wilson's face BARELY had any marks on it...looked like a cat scratch on the back of his neck.....there was no life threatening struggle at his truck


All Star
May 9, 2012
South East Houston
The events you described were based on Darren Wilson's account. Read this article and and let me know if you honestly think a black person.....or any person, would do what he said Mike Brown did:


Fuked up we have to go by this CAC accounts. I got wrongly accused when I was 17 by a CAC cop and almost spent 3 years in TDC. Lucky the witness said it wasn't me and I got off.


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
Okay, does anyone know Mike Brown narrative for what went down the second he was asked to move out of the road? Event by event please! Thanks guys. Btw that article asked question that relates to all of us black ppl that I need to answer and I don't care who this offends.

>But the larger question is, in a sense, simpler: Why?
Why? Look at the riots. Look at the social reaction to this shyt

This "fukk the system", "fukk the police", "fukk CACs" bullshyt that is coming out of the left-wing/c00ns that follow the left is EXACTLY why Mike Brown allegedly acted the way he did. The black community continues to dig their own fukking graves by refusing to be critical of their own people and instead blaming white people for everything.

I don't think its farfetch at all to believe that their is a chance that Mike Brown acted hostile(especially considering the forensic still matches up with cop story ). When a normal human is asked by a police office to stop walking down the middle of the road they tend to comply.

When a black man is faced with a similar challenge he has two choices:
1) Walk away
2) KEEP IT REAL (escalate the situation)

Michael Brown may have made the tragic choice, he chose to keep it real.

Just joined last week, huh? Cac troll. Hold this neg


strawberry bubblegum
Jul 20, 2012
c00ning is a coping mechanism. In reality most of them KNOW that were in a fukked up situation, theyre just scared, pacified, and unwilling to proactively change our situation in this country. So many of us YEARN to be accepted by the dominant group but theyve continuously let us know that they do not fukk with us.
Thank you! I need help understanding why so many of us want their acceptance so badly. :huh: Like we're really out here thinking that they are going to lay their privileges to the side and share equal rights if we stop "black on black crime", and stop sagging our pants. It should be reiterated that the protestors have been peaceful the majority of the days they were out there, but were still seen as animals for standing up against how things were handled. Its a shame that there are still black people literally crying and feeling defeated because a lot of them dont like us. Too many of us care about white peoples opinions of us.

They want us to feel like we're less than so that we cower and feel hopeless. They know that all of the shyt that they've done to black people warrants this anger and uprising so they have to keep us in check and make us feel guilty. All this begging for their understanding is bullshyt and a waste of time.

With that being said what is next?

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
Back in the original thread we all fukking known that they would pull some bullshyt and let this man off not only did he get off they raised $600,000 for him and btw Walmart gave this man $10,000 but they did not donate any money to the brother that got killed in their store family or anything. I am ready for the #MoveForwardToAfrica movement, fukk Amerikk.


May 31, 2012
Back in the original thread we all fukking known that they would pull some bullshyt and let this man off not only did he get off they raised $600,000 for him and btw Walmart gave this man $10,000 but they did not donate any money to the brother that got killed in their store family or anything. I am ready for the #MoveForwardToAfrica movement, fukk Amerikk.
Wait wal-mart gave Wilson 10 Gs :what:


All Star
May 17, 2012
Still smh at the no indictment. A case such as this is what's considered "clear cut". The account from Wilson is pure fukkery. Months to prepare and that's what he came up with.