theycallmetreebark 16 minutes ago
As a another black student in living outside Detroit, I will go to bed as, I always do, not giving two s-words about these Ferguson numnuts, as this is their problem, not mine or anyone elses. I will go to college again, as I did earlier today. Then I will go to my usual table tennis club and play for three hours. Then I will drive home, do my homework, shower, and then sleep. Then I will repeat. I will continue to treat everyone around me equally as I have for my entire life, and will continue to expect the same treatment back. I will be who I was meant to be. I will expect America to be the model country it is supposed to be, loving and caring, not bigoted and hateful.
I...AM...THE MODEL BLACK MAN. Have a goodnight America. I will live on as I do, and I hope we can still do the same. Let's be friends