@Rekkapryde You are speaking logical but sometimes logic doesn't get you results. Ever heard the term study long, study wrong? I have been in beef for real. I have been in instances where I had to be emotional, and not be logical, and it saved my life. The point is sometimes violence is the only thing that makes your enemy takes notice, and don't take you for a sucker.
Look at all these countries where the people don't do anything, them nikkas come here because their country is over ran by people who just can run shyt. I'm telling you from
experience, there is a time to be violent and there is a time to think things out. Violence
is sometimes the answer.
Yes, it will hurt them temporarily, but you don't fight to feel good, you fight for you future. I just think the fact that I have to explain this to a black man who is in a sort of way, a prisoner ofwar, is sad. Do you understand whites have no idea what we go through because they ddon't have to? I mean really think about it. I did, and I have excepted we are prey in a war to a lot of people, and a lot of those people are part of the system. Some of it is physical, but a lot in the mind.
Trust me fighters respect fighters, and even though we seem to be at war, look at how whites treat other groups and treat us when everyone is together. They give them no respect. I'm not saying they view us as equal but , I notice these other docile groups are always shown disrespect while we are seen as a threat. That view allows you to move better as far as being a human, and want to have self pride. This is why I think these docile groups are always talking about their "culture", its to hide the fact they can't be proud high self esteem people, and that comes from their enemies not respecting them for not fighting back. Sometimes blood needs to be shed. Why do you think countries go to war, and not just talk it out? The countries that are easily taken over get no respect, while those who fight back end up doing business together. Ask yourself why?